Monday, January 4, 2010

Ward Christmas Party!

Our family at our ward Christmas party, and yes Santa is you know who. Brock is such a smart little cookie that he relised it was his dad by the ring on his finger. What four year old notices such a thing?
That is one tall Santa, don't ask me how he got roped into doing this for the second year in a row.

Zander getting ready for the primary program part of the party, what a cute little burro!

Of course I can't forget my king. Brock picked this costume right off, he loved being the rey for the program.


Annalisa said...

very nice costumes for the program. smiles. hope all is well.

corndog said...

Obviously little man is going to be an FBI agent. Scary who would want to do that. HEHE! So do u love where u r? Keep on blogging I love seeing u guys!

Puerto Rican Gringa said...

I love that Chris is Santa! So do we have a baby yet? I hope everything is going well!