Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Summer Fun 2012!!!

It is summer time baby!!! For the month of Feb. we rented a house on the beach in the south of Lima with some friends of ours and we had a blast. The boys loved having the freedom to ride bikes, play in the sand, and the pool for hours on end. The house was on the front row, so the boys were able to have a bit more freedom than I am able to give them here in Lima. I have a ton of pictures so stayed posted, here is round one of summer fun 2012!

Dad and Cooper playing in the pool!
Mommy and the Coopster waiting for the barbecue to be ready!
MMMMM! Every weekend we had the joy of eating some delicious food prepared by Chris, and any of you who have tried his food know that it is good stuff!
Friends, Sand, Sun, Pool, Beach and good food, what more can you ask for!
One of my little fish.

Z has the most contagious smile!
Brock sporting some muscles for us!
We had an awesome opportunity to run the first enigizer night race here in Lima with my hubby, sis in law and brother in law in February. It was awesome except that I got trampled and fell on some rocks and ran the race with a bloody had and had a nice big bruise on my leg for weeks afterwards. It was so much fun to do this as a family and hopefully someday we can run one with my boys!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Love the updates...although: where is Cooper in HIS sand picture?!?!?! haha

So jealous of your awesome Summer...sounds like a blast. You all look great. Miss you lots.

Love you!