Wednesday, October 3, 2012

La Granja!

 Last week I was able to go with Coopers class on a field trip to the granja, a farm of sorts.  We all pilled in a giant bus and drove about 45 min south to this farm. Cooper was so excited, he just loves animals and is finally loosing his fear to touch them. He is my fraidy cat!! We had a blast and I am sure we will be back for another visit as his brothers were a little jealous.
 Cooper wanted nothing to do with the tour and went straight for the animals. What farm is complete without a llama?
 Class picture!
 They went for a cart ride pulled by a donkey!

 They got to feed the animals.
 Coopers favorite was milking the cow. All I heard the whole way home was, la vaca les da leche!!
 Silly boy would not hold the bunny rabbit.
The only way I got him to hold the guinea pig was to put it in a basket. Silly kid!!

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