Monday, April 6, 2009

Kids are so funny!

Brock is such a funny kid these days, he has such an imagination, and he thinks that he knows everything. So I thought I would share this funny story with you. (Yeah I know lame still no pics, soon I promise) Ok so here it goes:
Last weekend Chris was really sick(throwing up, and other stuff Ill spare you the details), but if you know Chris you know that he never gets sick, ever. So he stayed home from church on Sunday, and I went with the kids. Well after church I was talking to some ladies and they were asking me if Chris was ok, and if I knew what was wrong. I went on to tell them how strange it was because Chris never gets sick(remember this is all happening in spanish), so I was telling them how Chris has a lead stomach and could eat trash out of the gutter and never get sick.

Later that day the bishop and his counselor came by the house to give Chris a blessing and to see if he was ok, when Brock comes walking in to chat(he loves talking to the Bishop). He was listening to them ask questions about how Chris was feeling when he chimes in, "mi papa esta enfermo porque el comio basura."(my dad is sick because he ate trash) The little stinker had listened to my conversation at church but only heard the part about Chris being able to eat trash and never get sick.
The whole week he kept telling everyone that his poppy is sick because he eats trash, and telling Chris to please not eat trash anymore so he does not get sick again. He kept advising others to be careful and not eat trash as well or they would get sick. It is so funny the way kids interpret what we say. I am so blessed to have two crazy lil monsters, they seem to make me laugh each day. I just need to remember there are ears everywhere in my house that will and do repeat everything I say.


Kelsey said...

Too funny!!!

Melissa said...

So, Chris eats trash, huh?? I have to say I'm not surprised...JK :) Brock is a cutie and Zman is too! Miss you!

onecent said...

HAHA! that story is garbage! hehe!
kids are so much fun!

lis said...

"out of the mouths of babes!!!!!" there is such truth in what little guy was saying, no?!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

LOL that's very funny. It is so him! Love your kids!