Wednesday, October 3, 2012


 Story time festival!!!! Every year the parents put on a play for the kids in pre kinder and kinder for their story time festival. It is a two week period where the school really focuses on reading and the kids finding a real love for reading books. The kids get to bring books to school to share and at the end of the festival the parents put on a play.  It is so much fun, I don't like to act much but they always have dancing parts, so they can always count on me for that! This year we were campesinos, a traditional type dance from peru. I have to say it has been really fun learning some cultural dances from Peru. We danced to a song called mambo de macahuay! It was so fun to see the kids faces when we all come on stage. Zander thought it was so cool!!!!
 Our group of dancers! I did have to learn patience as everyone learns at their own pace! We spent 8 weeks preparing for this rehearsing at night.
My happy little guy, he said it was the best day ever!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Way to go! I would look totally ridiculous if I tried doing that :) I have about 0 rhythm.