Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Back In Cali!

Fun in the sun! My kids were so excited to take off their sweaters and put on the swim suits, being in the sun and the warm weather has been so nice. It has been so crazy since we got here, so we are all exhausted, but having fun. Unfortunately, Chris has to go back early and is leaving tomorrow, but we still have some more time to soak up the sun. Here is Brock and Z in the pool at Grandpas house with Uncle Joe, Aunt Meggie, and cousin Tnk. They had such a good time.
So the main reason for this trip was because Chris's brother got married last Friday the 11. So the next few pics are of the boys at the San Diego temple having fun rolling in the grass. It is such an amazing temple and the boys just loved being there. Brock loves temples and could not go to the one where mommy and poppy got married.
Chris and I at the SD Temple, waiting for his brother and new wife.
All the munchkins playing in the grass. Z thinks he is as big as all of them and amazingly enough keeps up with them.


Emily said...

Oh how fun! Your dress is so cute by the way.

Katie said...

Glad you're having fun! Can't wait to see you at the family reunion. You're dress is super cute!

Unknown said...

you look so beautiful in that yellow dress. i am glad you are back in cali enjoying the weather. we actually just got back to pr from our summer vacation. it was very fun visiting family. I will email you for the details. love you tons. Lily