Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I just love this pic of Brock, isn't he adorable. He looks so grown up, he is not my baby anymore!
We ventured to Utah for 4 days for a family reunion that was a blat. The boys had so much fun with their cousins and their uncle Tyler. We even went camping, with both boys and no husband can you believe it. I have never seen my boys dirtier then they were camping, but they had a blast playing in the dirt. It was so fun to see all the family that we rarely get to see.
The boys and I enjoying some pool time at the reunion. Z is going to be my lil dare devil. There was a slide that went into the pool that he loved. I think he made his uncle Tyler go down it with him a billion times.
Grandpa, Grandma Higbee, Brock, Zander and I on our last day in Utah.
A Day at the Zoo! One of our last days in SD we all went to the Zoo, including Grandma and Grandpa Tidwell. We had so much fun, and the boys figured out real fast that they could get a free ride from Grandpa! Brock got to see the hippos, his favorite, and it was a great day to spend with family.


Melissa said...

Looks like you guys had a blast! I'll call you soon to give you our updates. Miss you!

onecent said...

how fun!!! I love the one with Brock on grandpa's lap!!