Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Z's Big Day!

Last Tuesday was Zander and Brock's first day of summer school, and Z's very first day of school ever. I did not know what to expect when I dropped him off, but he sure is a different kid then Brock. As soon as we got near the front gate he wiggled out of my arms and walked right in as if he owned the place, and never looked back. I never even got a single tear! He looked back to say bye and then he was off. Really I am glad that it went that way and that they are both super happy. They love going to school together. This is Z in his class with his teacher.
Z playing on the big boy toys, he does not know he is only 2.

Morning of the first day of school, don't they look so happy!


lis said...

yes, they do look so happy, and boy does Zander look like YOU in this pic!!! :)

Unknown said...

he does looks like you a lot! it seems like you are having a wonderful time in Peru, I am so glad you have good friends to make you happy. your family is adorable. i can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!!!!! OMG!