Friday, October 17, 2008

Ta Da!

Last weekend Chris had a huge conference with all the leaders and distributors in Latin America, not to mention his boss and his boss's boss from Malaysia. So yep, I have not had a husband for quite some time(Ashley if you are reading this I am thinking of you!). He has been working 20 hr days, with no rest in site. Before his conference he was trying to get his new office building ready as well. This building has been his lil baby for the last few months. He stops by at least once a day, and they just had their grand opening last week! I am excited because it is a lot closer to our house.
The boys playing with a distributor at the conference. Yes I took both kids, crazy! I came fully loaded with toys and snacks, in hopes that they would be well behaved. It was a long day for them, but they did awesome. I about dropped my jaw when Chris said he wanted us to sit on stage with him during the conference. My first words were " are you crazy." I was brave and tried, we graciously made our exit when the boys started brake dancing on the floor. Yeah not so cute.
Ok so here is the finished product. If you could only see what it looked like before. This is a really old historical building here in Miraflores where we live. The thing is massive. It has like 5 maids quarters. The inside is gorgeous, and I think it turned out nice. I am glad it is done so Chris might be able to sleep more than 2 hrs a night. I would say spend some more time with us, but he leaves for Thailand and Malaysia on Sunday for 10 days. So maybe when he gets back, or maybe that is wishful thinking!


The Rowletts said...

OH NO!! I sooooo feel for you. At least you do have your helper (I'm spacing on her name). It's hard on everyone not to have Daddy around. The building looks beautiful. I'm sure you are very proud of Chris. Congratulate him for us. I hope things settle down soon for y'all. Miss you.

Melissa said...

The building is gorgeous and I am glad it is finished! Sorry Chris is leaving for so long. Tell him to bring you back something pretty. I miss you like crazy girl!

Emily said...

I can't believe how much Chris is working. What a bummer. That new office looks amazing though. Way to go.

prRiggs said...

It looks awesome! You are brave to sit on the stage with Chris--and that's very nice of him!

Anonymous said...

The boys look so handsome!! Wow the building does look amazing ,at least all the time he put in shows in the buliding .. and yes he looks a little worn out.. want to come to san diego for 10 days while he is gone....would be so fun for me and my kids!!!!