In September Peru had elections which meant that church was cancelled so we took a quick weekend trip to Paracas, about 4 hours outside of Lima. We stayed in a beautiful resort, and since it was election weekend had the enitre hotel to ourselves. We swam, played wii, and Brock and Chris went on this catamaran. It was a fantastic weekend.

When we got to our room I found this baby robe and slippers laying on our bed, so cute right! I just had to get a picture of my "gordo." He is only my 27lb. bundle of joy.

See this Island, yes folks those are birds. This is Islas Ballestas, this island is full of sea lons, penguins, and more birds then you have ever seen in your whole life. They actually send a team out to collect the poop and sell it. Fun job!


If you have done any reading about Peru you know that it is full of history and lots of unknown mysteries. This candle stick is on the side of this island and there are many contradicting theories as to when and who made it. So many things to see and do here, you really need to come visit.

My crew, love the smile on Cooper.

The sweet that we stayed in was right in front of the pool, so I could sit and relax while the boys played and Cooper slept in the room. What a perfet day!

Cooper loves the water just like his brother Z.

At the pool they had these fun giant balls you can play in the water. The boys were not to sure about it at first, but it did not take long for the fun to begin.

The cutest slippers in the world.

My little model. I swear Brock is a natural, he loves to have his picture taken. This is him in our room.
Looks like you guys are having a great time! I love the picture of you with your boys, so sweet. They cancel church for elections?!
Danielle, I hadn't seen the one of you and the boys!!! I LOVE IT!!! :) And you are just so beautiful; inside and out! ;)
i had a good time with all your updates! I am so happy you guys get to have some time together enjoying the beauty of the country.
your kids are adorable.
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